113-1 本校【EMI教師增能課程】歡迎師長報名參加!

海報製作:課程助理-英文系李佩芸助理 、林資芸助理

EMI教師增能課程課名:Professional Development in EMI
任課老師:英文系魏亦淳(Sherri Wei)教授和貝潞(Paul Bellew)教授

您打算或已經開設全英語授課(EMI, English as a Medium of Instruction)嗎?

The English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Teacher Empowerment Course will help you build the skills necessary to teach your own classes in English. You will join a group of FJCU instructors who are also strengthening their EMI abilities. Guided by a team of experienced professors from the English Department, you and your fellow participants will learn some of the key theories, methods, and practices that will be useful in preparing EMI courses. Through seminars, discussions, and meetings with the workshop organizers, you will plan lessons and develop teaching materials to use in an EMI course, all while practicing your English skills in a classroom setting.


若有任何問題,歡迎來信( )或來電(02-2905-2016)聯絡 雙語教育中心 許助理。

本課程人數上限為每個模組15位;若超過人數,將以本校即將申請專案轉專任教師為優先。缺課超過1/3之教師,不得再報名。 本學年僅開在113-1學期,請老師們盡早報名,以免向隅。

時間:113年9月 5日(四) 早上9點-下午4點